Sunday, March 4, 2012


I usually don't post this often but I was having some good thoughts to share... So if any of you read mom websites you know that SAHM stands for stay-at-home-mom. I realized today that I love being a part time SAHM. I have 4 day weekends to travel, rest, etc. I have a day off between work days to have wonen's Bible study and our community group for church and to enjoy time with Jackson. I get to go on walks with Mary and Val (and Ellie and Sofi!). Jackson and I get to have play-dates, walk Lincoln, drink coffee and watch the today show (a little boy must be up-to-date with his news!). I thought that I would always want to work, and I do, just maybe not full time again. I am more compassionate at work now, having the energy to listen to people who are hurting both physically and emotionally. Jonathan commented today that I have not complained about any aspect of work since I have been back! 20 hours of patient care seems to be an ideal amount for me. Being at home with Jackson is FUN on our days together because I miss him so much when we are apart. Being part time has allowed me to have true energy and excitement for whatever I am doing that day. Come April, Allyson and I realized we can go to the beach on weekdays!! 54th street. Please join us in our green beach tent. There will be snacks and nap time. It's time for bed now. I have a fun-filled day tomorrow of a possible breakfast date with a friend and her baby and then a walk with another friend and her baby. Then to savor some quality family time while Jonathan is home (something I get to do way more of being a part time SAHM). I am so grateful for my place in life right now and would not change a thing.

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