Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm pretty sure I saw boy parts?

Notice the question mark though.  Heather and I went over to the ER this morning to take a look with the ultrasound machine.  The morning is always the quietest time of the day- the really sick people (i.e. those with emergencies) have already showed up or been admitted from the night before, it's too early for the drunks to be out and about crashing their cars into things, and the pain medication seekers don't show up until early evening, so there usually a lull for a couple hours until things really start to pick up and there are plenty of open rooms to take a look with the bedside ultrasound.  Now I'm no OB ultrasound tech.  The type of stuff I normally do for pregnant ladies with the ultrasound in the ED is limited to checking location of the pregnancy, dating (rough), examining the cervix and ovaries, and looking for life-threatening issues (i.e. emergencies).  Finding out the sex of a baby is rarely an emergency, but in this case it was fun to try nonetheless.  I'm pretty sure I saw boy parts?   That little squirmy wormy baby was moving all around and it took a while to wait for him (her?) to get in a good position where we could see a good frog-legged type view of the behind.  I'll bet you a nickle those were boy parts.  Stay tuned for results of our official ultrasound in a few weeks- I may retract my above statements about the sex of this squirmy wormy little baby.  For now, we'll hold off on doing any painting until we have a more official diagnosis than "I'm pretty sure I saw boy parts."

1 comment:

  1. This post says it came from Heather but it sure sounds like Jonathan wrote it...
