Monday, December 15, 2014

Rachel is 2 months old!

Hey everyone! Rachel here and I am 2 months old. I like being this old and I show it by smiling all the time! Mom seems to get a kick out of my smile and she is always making these weird faces and cooing noises at me.  Strange.  I think my brother is the.greatest.thing.ever.   I follow him around the room and like to watch him do crazy gymnastic tricks in our living room. Sometimes he gets a little aggressive with his snuggling but I'm pretty tough and don't really mind.  
I really like to suck on my thumb and first finger and still don't like a pacifier, which is ok with mom and dad. I hear they had a pretty rough time getting Jackson to stop using his.  I like eating but only when I can nurse. Bottles aren't my thing even though dad keeps trying and trying to get me to take one. I think mom might be trying to go back to work a few hours a week but I am determined to keep her at home forever! 
I have so many cute clothes, bows and hats and mom loves to dress me up.  Sometimes I spit-up or poop all over my outfit just so I can wear a few new outfits in one day.  I am really long and can wear Jackson's old 6 month PJs to bed. I like being swaddled whenever I sleep. And speaking of sleep, it's kinda my favorite thing to do. I go to bed around 6:30pm and wake up around 5:30. I'm not big on naps, averaging 45 minutes before I like to eat again. Girl has to do some growing! 
I like to be awake more now, though, and like to play with my links/rings, watch Jackson play with is trucks and do tummy time on my boppy pillow.  Mom and I go for runs together, or we drop brother off at school and have girl time. It's my favorite.  I really love daddy too, and often crane my neck to see him when I should be eating.

That's all for now! I'll be back when I turn 3 months on New Years Day! 

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