Hey guys, Jackson here! I really love being two. It's so much fun to get bigger and have many adventures with mom and dad. Let me tell you all about it! Now that I decided to start talking, I talk NON-STOP. I love to tell mom about everything I see while we are driving. We talk about bumpy roads and trash trucks. I scream really loudly when I see fire trucks, which is all the time. I love living in Norfolk because there are so many interesting things to see, like rivers, school busses and even some police chases :)
I got a cool sandbox for my birthday party and I like to bury my trucks. I also love to help mom pick up dog poop in the backyard. I am really good at finding it and am getting much better at scooping it up. Mom offers to do it all for me but I like to be a big helper. I can tell that she really likes my help. When we have a poop-free back yard, it's time to get dirtier in the garden! I love digging and jumping in the dirt. The tree is also the perfect size for me to climb and jump down from. Mom calls me a little monkey because I love climbing trees! I help dad mow the lawn too. I can't wait for summer again so we can mow the grass more.
I had my two-year-old check up with Dr. Dean and he said that I am very healthy! I am 50% for height and 75% for weight. He knows that I love running around so he's ok that I have a really big belly :) During my doctor's appointment I got my first flu shot and it burned very badly! Normally I don't mind shots but this one was really rough. Mom took me to Norfolk Ice Cream Company to have some ice cream (and a cookie!) and make my boo-boo feel better. Ice cream is my favorite food every since Grandmom and Pop Pop got me hooked on it. Good thing it's mom's favorite food too. I think we'll have many ice cream dates in our future :)
I would rather play with blocks, cars and trucks but sometimes I like to be crafty. My favorite thing to do is paint using the round sponge brushes. Last week we made handprints and when they dried I turned them into Turkeys for Thanksgiving! Some mornings I wake up really early….around 5am….and I have some quiet time with mom, playing with beads and coloring. Mom hangs my favorite pieces of art on the dining room door and I love to show dad what I made during the day!
I really love play hide-and-seek and although I don't mean to brag, I am starting to get really good at it! We play outside, inside and even in the bathtub. Mom can never find me when I hide behind the shower curtain! :) My favorite hiding spot is behind daddy's clothes in his closet, but shhh don't tell mom and dad!
Mom was feeling really crummy for a few weeks so we went up to see Grandmom and Pop Pop so she could rest and get healthy. I saw both of them at work! Grandmom has really cool electrical wires and office supplies to play with and Pop Pop let me ride on a big boy bike. We played with toys, walked Kacee around the block, ate ice cream (of course) at Chick-Fil-A and had lots of tickle times! Pop Pop gives great pony rides too! I think all of my grandparents are just the greatest. Every night when mom and dad ask me what I am thankful for before we pray, I always say "Grandmom, Pop Pop, BB and Grandad".
It's been getting much colder this last week so we have tried to get to the zoo as much as possible before it's too cold. I went with mom AND DAD on Monday which was a special treat. I love having dad with me at the zoo because he points out cool things like skinks and the red panda climbing over my head. When I grow up I want to be just like my dad. We visited my favorite spot at the zoo, but the fountains were turned off (bummer!) so I played in this statue instead.
Mom made me this awesome bathrobe and got me some monkey slippers. I really like being cozy in the mornings and love wearing slippers with mom and dad while we watch Thomas the Train or Fireman Sam, my new favorite shows. I could watch TV all day but mom and dad won't let me. What a bummer. But it's ok because then we go outside and play with all of my neighbors. we climb trees, draw with chalk, play hide and seek, jump in leaf piles and run up and down the sidewalks.
At first, mom and dad thought I was tired but really I just love to lay on the floor because it's the best way to see how the truck wheels move along the ground. I could stay here for a while just pushing my trucks back and forth, back and forth. Being 2 is pretty great. Gotta go, I have lots of playing to do!
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