Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Feel the love

Here are some things we love:

The kids. How they love each other. When they snuggle and hug. The zoo. 

Rachel barefoot in skits. Doing balance beam climbing on every curb and ledge we can find. Church playground. Bright colors of summer. 
Goodbye hugs for daddy before he leaves for work. Giving him hug after hug after hug and then furiously waving bye bye. 
Date night. Conversation and laughter. 10 year anniversary next month. Bardo on 21st. 
Cass: co-worker, babysitter, friend and playmate for the kids. She gave us freshly-picked asparagus while JB was in India (I gobbled that right up), homemade cookies and fresh strawberry jam. She loves my kids and is such a good friend. 
Pony tails. Pig tails. Blonde hair blowing in the wind. 
Alexis. We were so sad when liz moved but Alexis is awesome and the kids love her. Rachel adores hugging her and J even gave her a hug last week too, which is HUGE! 
Being outside, Soccer. Long shorts and tall socks. Friends from school. Running. Being outside. Farmer tans. Birds. Breezes. 
Deep squat. Pig tails. Blonde hair, Head Tilt. 
Best friends. School. Ms Becca. Holiday crafts. Icing. 

Siblings. Buddies. Smiles. Laughter. Kindness. Protective big brother. Adoring little sister. 
This girl. Into everything, none of it being toys. 

Family days. Skinny Dip fro yo. Zoo afternoons. Time together.
Daddy. Porch swing. Cool afternoons. Sunshine. These two together. 

strawberry picking

JB was in India for 11 days and the pickin' was good out in Pungo so I recruited BB and Grandad to go strawberry picking with us. I figured they would enjoy the fresh berries and watching the kids harvest (plus the extra sets of hands while berry picking are very necessary!)
Jackson furiously picked berries, remembering what I taught him last year and chanting it to himself and others. "Don't pick the green ones. Only the red ones". Last year we took home lots of green berries on accident. This year the berries were huge and delicious, as Rachel can attest to. She literally ripped them apart with her hands and devoured 10's of them. 
J loves to play motorcycle spotting games, and we were in luck on the Pungo country roads! 

VA Beach and Grandparents

Hi, from our fun-loving, wacky daughter and our talkative 4yo boy.
Aunt Dwyn and Uncle Kenny stopped through VA beach on their tour of the east coast and we had a blast visiting with them! It took rachel about 5 minutes to warm up and then she and Aunt Dwyn were best buddies, snuggling and laughing the whole time. 

Beth hosted a lovely Easter lunch which we pushed back to dinner time so JB could make it this year! Good conversation, good food and party hats :)
J and Grandad were in charge of the trifle and they did an excellent job of layering, smoothing and perfecting the dessert. Jackson also got an A+ in spoon-licking when they were finished. Doesn't he look so handsome in the button-up shirt? Yes...that was an epic battle between the two of us on Easter morning. We struggle to get him to wear anything except "soft shorts" and ratty t-shirts. 

sneaky card face
The long day ended with Rachel running around, diaper sagging in her bloomers and tights, both of the kids binging on chocolate and apple pie. Doesn't she look like the copper tone baby? 
We went to Busch Gardens with BB and Grandad on the first day of the season! It was slightly chilly but we had a blast. The FestHaus, normally a great place to cool down felt more like a ski lodge where everyone went to warm up. We all had a blast on the bumper cars and both of them loved Land of the Dragons. We pretty much go to BG to play at the play ground and drink beer. Worth the drive. And there were about 100 people total in the park. It was amazing. 

Time at BB and Grandad's is so fun that sometimes Rachel just can't handle it anymore and she goes face down in the tupperware to rest ;)