I am finally getting around to posting pictures of our fabulous trip to the Bahamas in late October. Last year we had a blast with our neighbors and friends from The Compound (we live within several yards of each other and basically all share a fence) so we decided to run it back for another (and final) year leaving out of Norfolk. By chance, Sara and Wes happened to be there celebrating his 50th birthday. They spent the whole time with us and we are so glad!! It was a wintery day leaving Norfolk but we didn't let that slow us down. We headed straight to the Serenity deck for a little serenity in the huge lounge chairs and no children :) Here is some of what we enjoyed:
Sun, scarves and snuggling
Taking in the view as we pulled out of the port
Norfolk in the distance…Bahamas straight ahead! Ready to ditch our winter coats
Reading, sleeping, talking, laughing
Awkward family photos
Fancy dinners, fancy dresses, karaoke, magic shows and fun times
Delicious food and the ability to order as many things as you wanted to try. The company and conversation were even better than the food, however.
More awkward photos and photographers who weren't too keen on our funny business
Nassau, lighthouses, sun, breeze, beaches, vacation, no responsibilities
Good friends, Bonnie and Andy
Girl time, long conversations, good hair days, tank tops in October
More good friends, Dan and Lisa
Snorkeling! I think we should wear masks more often. I kinda like the look
More awkward family photos
Several hours of snorkeling and laying out on the beach at the Hilton in the Bahamas. Warm water, nice sand, playing frisbee, reading, sleeping, cool drinks
Wes really explored the shipwreck
Brain coral, my favorite
Freeport. Look familiar to anyone who lives in Norfolk??
Lots of ping pong competitions when the winds weren't hurricane-force!
A week-long date
Cruise life, sunny weather, strolling, no responsibilities
More awkward family photos from the men.